Stef Soto, Taco Queen


Estefania “Stef” Soto has been trying to get her Papi to stop bringing her family’s taco truck, Tía Perla, to Saint Scholastica School for months. Doesn’t he understand that hardly anyone gets picked up from school by their parents anymore?  Stef just wants to be like all the other kids. When Julia, her once-upon-a-time friend, calls her the “Taco Queen,” things only get worse.

Then the family business is threatened by a new set of city regulations, and Stef has to figure out what she stands for. Will she support her father and the other food truck owners in their attempt to keep their businesses afloat? Or will she refuse to offer her family the help that’s in her power to give?

STEF SOTO, TACO QUEEN, by Jennifer Torres (Little, Brown and Company, 2017) is a heartfelt story about  family, friendship, and the gift of learning to accept and embrace who you are and where you’re from. A gentle, satisfying read.