Kristine O’Connell George, Author-In-Residence

Being a big sister – a good big sister – has its ups and downs. Jessica knows all about sisterhood. She’s big sister to Emma (Jess’s sometimes “dilemma”) in Kristine O’Connell George‘s newest book, EMMA DILEMMA: Big Sister Poems, illustrated by Nancy Carpenter.

Jess knows how Emma can be. Annoying one day, lovable the next. Jess is often the only one able to understand “Emma Language.” She remembers the names of all Emma’s rocks and knows exactly how to tell a joke or teach Emma the “right way” to blow paper off the straw. They giggle together, share tender moments, and over and over learn how annoying, challenging, and … simply wonderful it is to be a sister.

Read “What’s Your Story, Kristine O’Connell George?” HERE.

For more about Kristine, visit her website HERE.

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