September 2011

Your Friend, Katherine

Dear Reader, I hope you’re enjoying reading True (…Sort Of) as much as I enjoyed writing about Delly, Brud, Ferris Boyd, and all the other characters who live in River Bluffs. Parts of my life sneak always their way into my books: my cat Lulu showed up in Ida B (as did my habit of… Read more »

MO WREN, LOST AND FOUND, by Tricia Springstubb

MO WREN: LOST AND FOUND by Tricia Springstubb, illustrated by Heather Ross Mo Wren, her dad, and little sister Dottie have sold their house on Fox Street and moved into an apartment above an abandoned restaurant. Mr. Wren is going to renovate and reopen the restaurant, serving up down-home cooking.  But nothing about the move… Read more »