Radio Girl by Carol Brendler

Author Carol Brender’s debut novel Radio Girl, set in 1938, is the cat’s meow. In it, she has captured the lively spirit of Cece Maloney, a young woman destined to become a radio broadcast celebrity. Cece will have nothing of the boring, hum-drum life that her mother and older sister lead. Instead she’s determined to follow in her father’s footsteps and be a star! In her quest to hit the big time she discovers that, in show biz, things are not as they seem behind the microphone. Cece learns of her father’s thoughtless indiscretions, as well as other forms of deception practiced in the entertainment world, such as the historic War of the Worlds broadcast. Cece grows to understand the effects of lies, secrets, and deceit upon others, as well as developing a sense of integrity within herself.

Not only is this story compelling and entertaining, it is richly steeped in historical detail. Brendler did her world-building homework to the max, resulting in a novel that believably spins the reader back in time. Yowsah!

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