MO WREN, LOST AND FOUND, by Tricia Springstubb

MO WREN: LOST AND FOUND by Tricia Springstubb, illustrated by Heather Ross

Mo Wren, her dad, and little sister Dottie have sold their house on Fox Street and moved into an apartment above an abandoned restaurant. Mr. Wren is going to renovate and reopen the restaurant, serving up down-home cooking.  But nothing about the move is easy for Mo. Their new street is a row of businesses. Not homes, like back on Fox Street. Her little sister Dottie is fitting in at school better than she is.  And the new place is under a curse. Everything that can go wrong – does. Mo is feeling lost.But with the help of a new friend, she finds that what she was looking for was right under her nose all along. It’s the people around you that truly matter and make any place a home.

Readers will enjoy living with Mo Wren on East 213th just as much as when she lived on Fox Street.

Find a review of WHAT HAPPENED ON FOX STREET, Springstubb’s first book about Mo, HERE.