Rich Wallace, Author-In-Residence

The flap copy on the back of each book in the KICKERS series announces: “Read them all!”

And yes, we agree.  You surely must!

Each of the books – The Ball Hogs, Fake Out, Benched, and Game Day Jitters – is packed with fast-paced action and the ups and downs of learning how to be a successful team player. Readers will root for Ben and his soccer team, the Bobcats, and agonize over the sometimes-difficult situations Ben finds himself in as the season progresses. Each book in the series offers another challenge for Ben and his teammates to conquer. In the end, hard work – teamwork – makes all the difference. On the field and off, Ben and his fellow Bobcats, learn to have fun and enjoy the exhilaration of a game well-played.

From Rich Wallace:

I’ve always remembered how exciting it was to join a sports team for the first time. I also know how nervous kids can get about that. Writing the “Kickers” series allowed me to revisit a time in my life when I was ready to see how I measured up against other young athletes. It also gave me a chance to offer some of the things I learned while coaching my own kids on their sports teams. So, without being too “teachy,” I tried to share what a kid joining a soccer team for the first time might encounter, including an uncooperative teammate, the pressure of trying too hard to win sometimes, and the fact that some players will be more skilled than you are. More important, I wanted to convey that participation can be a lot of fun if you have the right attitude.

Read “What’s Your Story, Rich Wallace?” HERE.

Visit the Tool Box HERE for a math activity to pair with the Kicker’s Series.

For more books by Rich, visit his website HERE.

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